About Us
Cursillo is a movement from the Church that focuses on helping each person to discover themselves, their relationship with Christ and with others.
Palanca Corner
A Palanca letter is one that is sent to the candidates and team, informing them of the prayers and sacrifices that you are offering to God on their behalf.
What’s On?
Upcoming International, National and Local events including 3 Day Weekends, Encounters, Meetings, Ultreyas and Workshops. Come and Join us!
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Upcoming Events
AGM: Sydney, 6-8 September 2024
Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló
An Apprentice Christian
Founder of Cursillos in Christianity
1917 – 2008
Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló was born in Palma de Mallorca on May 4, 1917 in his residential home where Bar Niza now stands.